Tag Archives: self-portrait

Me, ME

Me, ME. Oil on canvas, 51cm x 41cm

I fell ill and was diagnosed with a chronic illness called ME (myalgic encephalomyelitis) in August of 2019, which affects my life to a great degree as it severely limits what I can do. The most debilitating symptom is fatigue, from which I suffer from most of the time, in varying degrees. I also get PEM or Post Exertional Malaise, which is a worsening of all symptoms after any kind of physical, mental, or emotional stress. I usually feel as though I have jet-lag and the flu all rolled into one.

Caledonian Gothic

Caledonian Gothic Eleanor Buffam

Oil on canvas

76 cm x 62 cm

Based loosely on the painting “American Gothic,” this portrait of myself and my luthier husband Joe seeks to answer important questions such as: What does it mean to be Scottish? What does it mean to be American? And what does it mean to be Gothic?

Better Red than Dead (Kaleidoscope Self-Portrait #4)


Private collection, London

Oil on canvas, 41cm x 41cm.

The kaleidoscope self-portraits investigate the way my own self-image has developed from reflections and distortions, focusing on specific body parts such as breasts, hips and face. A glanced reflection in a shop window, an image reflected in the eyes of another, a view of myself through the lens of body-shaming media culture, images coloured by emotions and contradictory evaluations- these are all ways that my body is reflected back to me. These paintings, as well as being a poetic representation of these reflections, are also a way to take back control of the portrayal of my own body, and revel in the power of being my own muse.

Kaleidoscope Eyes (Self-Portrait Through a Kaleidoscope #2)


Oil on canvas, 41cm x 41cm.

The kaleidoscope self-portraits investigate the way my own self-image has developed from reflections and distortions, focusing on specific body parts such as breasts, hips and face. A glanced reflection in a shop window, an image reflected in the eyes of another, a view of myself through the lens of body-shaming media culture, images coloured by emotions and contradictory evaluations- these are all ways that my body is reflected back to me. These paintings, as well as being a poetic representation of these reflections, are also a way to take back control of the portrayal of my own body, and revel in the power of being my own muse.


“Exposed” curated by Blair Zaye


Attraction/Refraction (Self-Portrait Through a Kaleidoscope #1)

This painting will be on show as part of the “Exposed” exhibition

Ben Oakley Gallery, 9 Turnpin Lane, SE10 9JA

London, United Kingdom

12th-14th August

Private View 11th August 18:00 – RSVP via the facebook event https://www.facebook.com/events/153172208425982/